How MSPs Should Sell to IT Managers: The Complete Guide

David Frankle
April 25, 2024
min read

IT managers face immense pressure. They need to ensure reliable IT operations, proactively address issues, control costs, align IT strategy with business goals, and enable digital transformation. This leaves little time for evaluating new solutions and service providers. 

As an MSP sales rep, getting mindshare with a busy IT manager is challenging. You have a narrow window to demonstrate how your solutions specifically address their pain points before they move on to putting out the next fire. To maximize your chances of winning over an IT manager, you need a consultative approach focused on quickly relating to their world and priorities. This article provides a complete guide to selling as an MSP to core IT personas.

Understanding the IT Manager's Role

IT managers juggle several key responsibilities:

1. Managing IT Operations: Ensuring systems reliability, performance, security, and supporting users

2. Cost Optimization: Controlling expenses, finding efficiencies, budget administration 

3. Strategic Alignment: Partnering with business leaders on digital transformation and demonstrating IT's value

4. Innovation and Improvement: Evaluating emerging technologies, upgrading architectures, boosting capabilities 

5. Risk Mitigation: Maintaining regulatory compliance, instituting policies, planning for disasters

With limited resources and seemingly endless demands, IT managers are constantly striving to strike the right balance across these areas to deliver maximum impact for the business. Getting a handle on where an IT manager is overextended or facing the biggest bottlenecks is crucial to positioning your services effectively.

Key Performance Indicators for IT Managers

To sell successfully to IT managers, you need to understand how they define success for themselves and their department. Some key performance indicators (KPIs) to be aware of:

- System uptime/availability

- Issue resolution time

- IT expense optimization 

- Business alignment of IT projects

- User/stakeholder satisfaction

- Audit performance

- Cyber risk posture

When engaging with IT managers, identify which of these KPIs they are most focused on currently based on organizational priorities and pain points. This enables you to tailor your pitch accordingly.

Top Pain Points for IT Managers

Under constant pressure to optimize budgets, enable organizational agility, mitigate risk, and keep everything running smoothly, IT managers typically grapple with several key pain points:

1. Managing Security and Compliance Challenges: Addressing rapidly evolving threats and regulations strains resources.

2. Lack of Visibility for Decision Making: Disparate systems hinder insights into security posture, operational performance, and IT spending. 

3. Inefficient Manual Processes: Tedious workflows for managing systems, users, policies, and vendors lead to productivity bottlenecks.

4. Aligning Complex Legacy Infrastructure with Business Goals: Outdated architectures with multiple vendors prevent agility and innovation.

5. Facilitating Digital Transformation: Enabling rapid adoption of new technologies to meet changing business demands is difficult with current IT environment. 

6. Proving the Value of IT Spend: Demonstrating ROI on technology investments and how they impact business KPIs is challenging.

7. Budget and Headcount Pressures: Tight resources make it difficult to adopt innovative solutions, upskill staff, or handle increasing workloads. 

By directly addressing one or more of these key pain points, you can position your MSP as an invaluable partner.

Crafting Your Value Proposition

With a firm grasp of the IT manager's responsibilities, success metrics, and pain points, you can craft a compelling value proposition focused on business outcomes rather than technical features. Some best practices:

- Quantify potential improvements to their KPIs based on capabilities of your solutions. For example, "Our managed detection and response service improves malware threat detection by 50% over traditional antivirus."

- Provide credible examples of how other clients in their industry realized transformative business impacts from your services like enhanced competitiveness, organizational agility, or hard cost reductions. But keep the references brief.

- Map your offerings directly to their top pain points using the PIC framework (Problem - Impact - Solution). For example, "We understand managing hybrid cloud environments across multiple vendors causes visibility and policy enforcement issues impacting security and operational efficiency. Our unified management platform addresses this by..."  

- Focus on how your solutions save them time, money, and headaches so they can focus on more strategic initiatives. Phrase this in the context of business goals rather than IT-centric outcomes.

Selling IT Managers - The Approach

Equipped with an understanding of an IT manager's role, success metrics, pain points and priorities, you're now ready to map your value proposition directly to their needs. Some key principles for effectively selling to IT managers:

1. Lead with Business Outcomes

Rather than opening a discussion by listing your technical capabilities, lead by directly addressing a relevant business objective like cost reduction, risk mitigation or supporting growth. 

2. Demonstrate Continuous Innovation

Given rapid technology shifts, show how your MSP keeps offerings updated and continously incorporates the latest tools to add value.

3. Emphasize Partnership

Position your MSP as an extension of their team with a shared stake in their success rather than just another vendor.

4. Rightsize Adoption

Rather than pushing an entire suite of services initially, focus on addressing 1-2 top pain points really well, delivering quick wins to build trust for expansion.

5. Plan the Evolution

Once immediate needs are covered, map out a timeline to progressively expand your services' scope and business impact over 6-12 months.

Selling to IT managers requires relatability, relevance and efficiently tailored consultations focused on business outcomes. By following the strategies outlined here for understanding their drivers and priorities combined with the right approach, you can position your MSP as an invaluable ally in their success.

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